Monday, 27 May 2013

At the Moment

 At this moment I feel up to jotting down a few things so here they are. Pain, lots but controlled by tylenol extra strength, mainly where the sternum was Black and Deckered.
Emotions,gratitude for my narrow escape from death ( the cardiologist said to me I don't know how you made it here from home) Indifference to all the crap in this world ,surviving has a way of changing my attitude.

  Side effects, very strange ones  for instance waltz music   playing inside my head when my mind wasn't dealing with a jumble of weird thoughts racing around the synapses,seeing things and people that were not there. I told my sweet wife, honey I see dead people lol. Fortunately all this disappeared after a couple of days.
    The spooky things I thought were caused by the anesthetic that was used
 You have to be put deeply under I think because the heart is stopped and a heart-lung machine takes over then when the bypasses are done the heart is restarted.The operation takes anywhere from six to eight hours depending on the amount of repairs done. I was in la la land for thirteen hours  lol

    I'm not one to preach how people must live but I will say that the fact that I never smoked was a big deal for the heart and lung surgeons.
   I have to get outside and walking now. Walking is the most important post-op thing to do for a good recovery.

   I hope I didn't bore my readers with this.


Wisewebwoman said...

You will never bore me, GFB and I truly believe you do us all a service when you share what's happened.

I remember an emergency surgery I had where I nearly died and a friend, an emergency room nurse, told me it takes a year for the body and mind to recover from heavy anaesthesia.

I was having the most frightful dreams.

She was right.

Bon sante, my friend. Keep truckin'.


Government Funded Blogger said...

Thanks for that WWW.It is something that is not talked about especially among us men.

I found a web site devoted to support for people that have had open heart surgery.The lives and marriages wrecked by the side effects from O.H surgery is terrible.Effects such as radical personality change, deep depression and PTSD similar to what our soldiers suffer.