Monday, 10 June 2013

Some Light Ahead

I see some light ahead now.A odd thing about the recovery process is that things happen suddenly as in suddenly I have no more pain in my incisions or suddenly I sleep through the whole night instead of just a few hours.
    Another thing is the feeling of well being inspite of set backs. For instance every day I feel my strength coming back,slowly for sure but continuously.

  That old devil Fear is receding although I have a panic attack once in awhile.I am surprised that post op counseling wasn't available for we open heart surgery people.


Wisewebwoman said...

I am surprised as well GFB that this isn't standard issue medical care.

I suffered from panic attacks back in the day and they were a nightmare and more than once landed me in hospital.

So so glad you are mending and so well.


Government Funded Blogger said...

Thanks WWW.
It seems that the attacks are now over ( knock on wood) and I now sleep well at night.

ViewPoint2010 said...

Hi GFB, haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks and just wondering how things are going in your life. Hope recovery is moving along. Got you on the prayer wheel. vp

Government Funded Blogger said...

Hi VP recently I have been having my bad days than good and thats the reason for my .Thanks for your concern my friend.

Kay Dennison said...

Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been problems with depression and assorted other ailments!

I hope I'll be around more soon.

Glad to hear that you're getting better!