Monday, 3 March 2014

Interesting Times

   I just finished the book 1914 and now in 2014 I have a feeling of unease over the situation in the Ukraine.That situation is ripe for miscalculation on the part of the Powers involved just as it was in the Balkans a hundred years ago.
  In that span of time has humankind changed? No. Humiliating the enemy, defending the national honour is still what its all about.
    Putin I think believes that after three disastrous wars the United States has lost its stomach for confrontation. Obama has signaled to the world by cutting back on the military that the USA is taking the road to isolation. If so there will be a Power vacuum to be filled by Russia with the backing of China.
   Khrushchev that wily old Ukrainian once said that in the West an optimist will learn Russian and a pessimist will learn Chinese.

  Interesting times eh.


Wisewebwoman said...

Now if there were oil underneath Ukraine, who knows?


Government Funded Blogger said...

WWW:I think there is oil under the Ukraine and also natural gas.What other reason for the EU to have an interest in that backward country?
The USA is self sufficient in oil and gas and is now a net exporter of that stuff so its off the hook.