Monday, 7 April 2014

A Catch Up

   My golly has it been over month since I scribed on here?Did I mention that I have lost a considerable amount of weight ?Well its so much so that I have donated all my clothes to charities here and now I need a whole new wardrobe.
   After the heart surgery I lost my appetite for about five months resulting in eating very little and losing 45 pounds.Looking on the sunny side this loss has been a bonus since it helps my heart be more efficient and less strained in a body that weighs 155 pounds versus the 200 pounds that it weighed before.

   Enough of that stuff. The snow here is finally starting to melt.The hope that with all the snow accumulation the Bay will be up a couple of inches this summer.

  I've been mulling over trying to write a story or stories in the style of Ambrose Bierce a writer that I admire.   Stories with a twist.

  One story that I have started and I have only got this far with it has this opening: There is no death row for the condemned. The condemned are put in with the general prison population for the encouragement of others. The condemned are never told of the date of execution. This is thought to be more merciful. Executions are carried out in the early morning by torch light in the prison courtyard.

  It sure needs a lot of work but once I get over writers cramp I think trying my hand at writing might be a relaxer.


1 comment:

Wisewebwoman said...

Goodonya for the healthy new you and I do love the opening of this story, very curious.
More, please.