Friday, 25 July 2014


 It seems that as far as blogging  my get up and go has got up and left.
Since the last post I took down the ramp out side that had been up since last November. Shirl doesn't need it anymore. I sidewalk supervised the brothers patio job that they did for us.
 My doctor discovered that my lung infections are caused by my aspirating small amounts of liquids.Now I have to use thickeners in every liquid that I drink.Yuk!
 I started out using modified corn starch as a thickener. No good cuz it contained MSG.I switched to a product that contained xanthan gum. Good but it is only sold in the USA and Alberta. I ordered a pack of 80 thickening gels from a firm in Edmonton at a fairly reasonable price till the shipping charges were added on,oh my goodness.Good ol Google came to the rescue with diy recipes to make the gel that is the thickener and about a 100 times cheaper.Fixed incomes force econimizing


Wisewebwoman said...

if you have a Bulk Barn near you, GFB, you can get all sorts of products like Zanthan and Wednesdays are senior discount days.

I use Xanthan in my baking for GF Daughter.

Good luck, so sorry to hear you have this issue.


Government Funded Blogger said...

Thanks for your tip WWW. The nearest bulk barn is an hours drive from here. when I take the car to the dealer for service which is in the same town I will check the barn out.

As for that issue daddy told me that old age aint for

Linda P. said...

Your recent loss of a beloved friend must weigh heavily at a time when you're dealing with another vivid reminder of aging, and vice versa.