Friday, 7 November 2014

Pour L'encourager Les Autres

At a blog that I frequent the subject was child abuse and sexual violence against women. I commented that at one time in Canada convicted sexual assaulters were flogged as part of their sentence.
  Another commenter had this to say.Here it is typos and all.I am 100% opposed to flogging rapists.I'd never heard that,but that's is a horrific and inhumane repsone to any crime. I don't believe becoming brutes ourselves is EVER the answer
  She further commented. We need a wholesale change in the way we handle sexual abuse/assault.
I agree but she doesn't say what her solution might be other than spouting her leftist platitude.
   Two law professors wrote in the Globe that the sentence given to the murderer of the three RCMP officers was too harsh because there was no faint hope given.
   Well let me tell you about faint hope .That clause is used by murderers to harass the families of the victim.Those murdering dirt bags know that by repeatedly asking for a parole hearing will force the victim's families to travel to the hearings at some expense and stress to ensure that the rat serves her or his full sentence.I know this personally.

Voltaire that droll wit in his play Candide coined the phrase Pour l'encouragement les autres. That's what we need in Canada,sentences that encourage others not to commit heinous crimes that are commonplace today.


1 comment:

Wisewebwoman said...

Sorta back on board GFB, keeping abreast of my faves.

I don't know about harshness being a deterrant, studies seem to prove otherwise.

I throw a lot of this sexual violence at the feet of the billion and billions porn industry. Many young teenage boys get an extremely perverted view of sexuality and I do believe it twists the psyche something fierce.

But what do I know? :)