Friday, 22 January 2016

A Treasure Trove

    I don't know why it is that for the past two month I am physicaly feeling like I did four years ago before heart surgery.Stamina, strength, timbre in the voice box and less hearing impairment  to mention a few.
    I do have some memory loss caused by the statin drug that I have had to take.That cholesterol scare is the biggest con ever put on healthy people .Thanks Big pharma.
    Did you know that the Library of Congress is accessible now online? .What a wonderful site! On it I stumbled upon a site full of old hollywood and european movies that I never had the time to see back in the 60s and the 70s and the silents and the 30s aand 40s ad 50s.
    The library section is full of libraries from a  horde of american and Canadian universitys. In fact I found a book with the records of people in Orange county NewYork province that signed the pledge of association thus making them traitors to the English Crown. Two of these were my ancestors. The rest of my family refused to sign the pledge and then had their farms and other properties stolen . They also f aced fines ,imprisonment and yes torture at the hands of the american mobs.Those that got away settled in New Brunswick and British possessions in the Caribbean
     I tell ya the site is a treasure trove.

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