Wednesday, 3 August 2016

More Rambling

 We are having a minor heatwave here.I'm not complaining mind you,memories of shivering in February are still present.The Jays are doing well and that is good. Baseball is certainly played by the 'boys of summer' when you see the crazy happenings on the field i.e three players standing waiting for one of them to catch the pop fly and it falls among them not caught or a run down between second and third base because a runner's mind was somewhere else or the pitcher walking off the mound thinking its the third out when it was the second out thus letting the runner on first to steal second. Hilarious

  The Trump and Hillary dog and pony show is on now in earnest.How the greatest super Power on Earth (not my words btw) can come up with those two clowns out of a population of three hundred million beats me. Maybe we are truly living in the last days.
   Having studied the French Revolution I see similarities in America and pre revolutionary France. The vast gap between the rich and the poor, the fear of the poor by the monied classes, the massive debt.I see in the background  America's Danton and Antoinette.Is the guillotine far behind ?

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