Sunday, 20 November 2016

CHF deux

 Luke 21:26   Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

   I don't think the heart failure that is mine is connected to the above.
Mine is caused by years of undetected high blood pressure when I was
 without a doctor.
 I do think that with the turmoil increasing in the world and mankind fulfilling
 Paul's prophesy of our time (2 Timothy 3: 1 to 5). We are living in the last days of the Anglo-American Empire and the rising of a different world order I believe.

Meanwhile back at the heart failure. I received good news that I  have been placed in this cardiac monitoring and therapy group under the care of a top cardiologist.The first step is wearing a Holter monitor for two weeks twenty -four hours a day.This monitor is a new type that is the size of a credit card  
and will report findings to the cardiologist via smart phone.I then see the cardiologist by tele-conference two weeks after the Holter results have been studied.What the next step is I will find out at the conference.

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