Thursday 6 February 2014

Nostalgia ?

Here is a question. Ever had food nostalgia ?
 I have lately and buttermilk is it together with Mello Rolls, Habitant pea soup,egg in the middle,lettuce on peanut butter sandwich,baked Alaska.
  A lot of the food mentioned above is obtainable except for Mello Rolls. I did find and buy a liter of politically correct low fat buttermilk which turned out to be a pale imitation of what I drank back in the 80s and packaged in a cardboard tube.Ugh!! I will search in some organic food stores first chance.


Anonymous said...

I love Buttermilk!!! The Driggs Dairy man delivered our milk. Remember when there was cream on top of the milk?

Kay Dennison said...

When we moved to our new house in Toledo when I was five, I thought that elves brought the milk during the night!

ViewPoint2010 said...

Hey there GFB,

Sounds like we’re both yearning for days of yore!

I have two nostalgia/comfort foods -- Campbell’s tomato soup (made with milk) and hot dogs in the bun. To me, that’s just about the perfect lunch but I don’t have it very often. As a matter of fact, about the only time I have it is when I go to visit some older friends about an hour from here. Somehow, it always tastes better there as does her beef stew – a REAL comfort food. My other favourite is Pal-o-mine chocolate bars. I don’t see them very often any longer but when I do, I pick up a couple and put them in the freezer for a “later-on” treat! :-)

Wisewebwoman said...

Yeah, me too, GFB. I made myself a good old fashioned steak and kidney pie tonight. Don't do it often as it takes a while but nostalgia? I'm there.

I use buttermilk when I make my Irish soda bread.


Government Funded Blogger said...

Kaydennison kelly:
Cream on top of the milk?I sure remember that and trying to scoop a big chunk of the frozen before Mom and Dad got up.

VP: Campbell's tomato soup made with milk and hot dogs on a bun a gourmet lunch when I was a kid.

WWW: Wow!! Mom would make steak and kidney pie as a special treat but not .