Thursday, 25 March 2010

My wife

 My wife is the epitome of the old saw that if you want a job done give it to a busy person..This year she was asked to organize the selling of daffodils for the Cancer Society's money raising campaign.Despite her other volunteering and her part time job she has found the time and enlisted 30 some volunteers for this Friday and Saturday,organized their selling times, re-phoned all to make sure it was a go for them on those two days and replaced anyone she needed to from a pool of sixteen standbys that she has also recruited.She fills me with awe!!

  My small contribution was to help pick up the daffodils and tomorrow set them at the selling tables around town.

 The local newspaper came out on Wednesday with a very nice article about her and her battle with cancer. I said that she fills me with awe well she also fills me with love for her these past 15 years that we have been together.


Kay Dennison said...

What a lovey tribute to a great lady. People ask me all the time why I haven't remarried. Mostly I just laugh. However, the truth is that I'm holding out for a guy who loves and respects me as much as you love Mrs. GFB!!!

running42k said...

Very sweet.