Tuesday, 10 April 2012


A tragedy in our family was miraculously averted the night before last.Our daughter-in-law and two of her fellow police officers escaped with minor non life threatening injuries when a runaway driver rammed two police cars that were blocking the north bound lane after laying a spike strip in the south bound lane in which the driver was travelling.

O yes the police chase a 125 km further north of here involving the driver had been suspended due to the driver's high rate of speed. A request was then put out to the detachment here to put a spiked strip across the southbound lane.My guess is that the driver to avoid the strip decided to smack the police cars.
When our girl works on the highway at night we are always worried about her.There are a lot of crazies that seemed to prefer night driving.

Our daughter-in-law is okay but she has had some physical trauma from the event and also emotional trauma which I think will last much longer.


Kay Dennison said...

Yikes!!!!! I'm glad she's well!!

ViewPoint2010 said...

Good to hear she's safe. Important to realize that not ALL injuries are visible. Sending positive vibes her way. Be well.