Friday, 24 May 2013

Hi Everybody

  Hi everybody
     I am back home just yesterday.What was suppose to be a angiogram and a stent turned into major open heart surgery
i.e. quadruple by - pass.
     Will give more details later. It was a shocking discovery.


ViewPoint2010 said...

Dear Lord, I was close enough I could have dropped in and made a nuisance of myself. Just back an excursion to Ottawa and points north. Glad to hear you're back home and on the road to recovery. Just hang onto that little pillow. It can be a great comfort sometimes (according to friends who have had the surgery)./ Keep us posted GFB. Take care of yourslf and best to your missus! :-)

Kay Dennison said...

Glad to hear you are home and recuperating well!!!

Wisewebwoman said...

Oh GFB - seems like we nearly lost you!

Glad you survived what must have been a quadruple shock quadruple bypass.

I nearly needed one myself after reading this!